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Page 22


22 COMMON SENSE is now a fallacious dream. Nature hath deserted the con- nexion, and art cannot supply her place. For, as Milton wisely expresses, “ Never can true reconcile- ment grow, where wounds of deadly hate have pierc’d so deep.”…

Page 12
12 COMMON SENSE. hath no divinity in it. However, it is needless to spend much time in exposing the folly of hereditary right; if there are any so weak as to believe it, let them promiscuously worship the ass and the lion, and welcome. I…

Page 11
COMMON SENSE. 11 wise, unjust, unnatural compact might, (perhaps) in the next succession put them under the government of a rogue or a fool. Most wise men, in their private sentiments, have ever treated hereditary right with contempt;…

Page 8
8 COMMON SENSE. requested a king. Till then their form of government (ex-cept in extraordinary cases, where the Almighty interposed) was a kind of republic administered by a judge and the elders of the tribes. Kings they had none, and…

Page 7
COMMON SENSE. 7 preserve a man from being necessitously poor, it generally makes him too timorous to be wealthy. But there is another and greater distinction, for which no truly natural or religious reason can be…

Page 5
COMMON SENSE. 5 powering him to to reject their other bills; it again supposes that the king is wiser than those whom it has already supposed to be wiser than him. A mere absurdity! There is something exceedingly…
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