Common Sense, British Edition


Page iv


against the natural rights of all mankind, and extirpating
the defenders thereof from the face of the earth, is the
concern of every man to whom nature hath given the power
of feeling; of which class, regardless of party censure,
is the                                                                AUTHOR.

P. S. The Publication of this new edition hath been
delayed, with a view of taking notice (had it been neces-
sary) of any attempt to refute the doctrine of independ-
ance: As no answer hath yet appeared, it is now pre-
sumed that none will, the time needful for getting - such a
performance ready for the public being considerably past.

Who the author of this production is, is wholly unneces-
sary to the public, as the object for attention is the Doctrine
itself, not the Man. Yet it may not be unnecessary to say
That he is unconnected with any party, and under no sort
of influence public or private, but the influence of reason
and principle.

Philadelphia, February 14, 1776.




“Common Sense, British Edition,” Common Sense Digital Edition, accessed July 27, 2024,

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